Top 3 Hacks to Maintain Bike Tyres for a Safe Ride Every Time

A bike owner should always maintain their bike and the tyres to have a smooth performance while riding on the road. A well-maintained bike does not only ensure safety but also has well-maintained mileage and performance. Hence, it is essential to keep some key points in mind to maintain the bike and its tyres. Here are some hacks to help you take care of your bike tyres: - 

1. Ensure Overall Maintenance

To avoid the chance of tyres getting worn out, make sure you maintain your speed limit. Since every tyre has a certain capacity to take the load and handle speed, you should be aware of the capacity of your bike's tyres and ride accordingly. If you want to take proper care of your tyres, ensure that there are no scrapes or cuts on them. It is best tubeless tyre for bike as they are easier to repair than tube-type tyres. Also, avoid frequent rides on the city outskirts because if you ride in poor road conditions the tyre threads may wear out. If these threads come out your bike would not be able to maintain a grip on the road while applying brakes.

2. Check Air Pressure Regularly

To upkeep the condition of your bike tyres it is vital to maintain the right pressure level. A bike running on low tyre pressure will give you a low fuel economy. Also, overinflating the tyres is not right as it can increase the risk of bursting it. You should routinely check your tyres' air pressure at a gas station or do it with a gauge. If needed, replace your tyres as suggested by the manufacturers in the manual.

3. Avoid Spinning the Tyres 

Spinning your tyres excessively in snow, ice, mud or sand can damage the tyres. This is because the tyres get overheated while spinning rapidly. To avoid this, you should use a technique where you gently pull the vehicle backwards and forward and bring it to a rocking motion to set it free. Make sure no one stands near or behind a high-speed spinning tyre when trying to push a stuck vehicle as it can cause severe damage.

If you keep these tips in mind, you will have a better riding experience on the bike without any hassle and worries.


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